Sunday, November 30, 2008

Man Drought - Bernard Salt

Ah, all is now clear. Good strategies advocated here - steal from other age brackets if you're a woman above your mid-30s as the drought is worst between your mid 30s to early 60s! Here's the Amazon blurb "Why are there so many single women in their 30s? What's an OFFAL? In this entertaining and insightful book, social commentator Bernard Salt answers these and many other pressing questions about contemporary Australia. Drawing on current census data and his own research, he presents a quirky, enlightening tour of the world we live in."

The Twilight Saga - Stephenie Meyer

I only bought this out of curiousity at the "publishing phenomenon". Then it sat on my bedside table for awhile as I wasn't sure I wanted to read a vampire book for young women. But when I finally started it, I was hooked from the first page. Which woman, young or old, would not be enthralled by these heady elements - a superhuman super-attractive good vampire in love with you and you with him; both of you stricken with heart-stopping romantic and sexual tension; a would-be lover who's cool, collected, strong, passionate, self-disciplined, loving, responsible, old-fashionedly considerate? Plus the ever-present danger element? Perfectly delicious!

So, it was natural to get on the emotional rollercoaster ride with the other 3 books in the saga New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, devouring one after the other, trying to stretch them out as much as possible.. (though the sexual tension does get ridiculously protracted into book 3 with no let up - due to the old-fashioned values of this sexy vampire! Hint - There's resolution in Book 4 - read to find out why.) Lots of excitement throughout and exciting thrills including werewolves and other vampires, but the best thing is the down to earth, wry and funny self-deprecating style of the heroine.

The Conjuror's Bird - Martin Davies

Lyrical,historical setting - a present day search for a mysterious lost bird, with an achingly sad ill-fated love story in the distant past as its backdrop. Interesting historical details of renowned naturalist Joseph Banks on his voyage of discoveries, and an elusive woman who haunts his heart.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson

I loved this book, captivated by the storyline, Swedish setting and the unusual protagonist Salander, a young antisocial girl with a brilliant untrained mind and delinquent tendencies, and her equally unusual relationship with journalist Mikael Blomvist as they solve a sinister disappearance in the past, somehow connected to the present. The pace starts rather slow but builds up to unputdownable.